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Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can be effectively controlled by Pestgogo with the use of anti-larval, fogging, and adulticide treatments. As well as larvivorous fish like Poecilid reticulata (Guppy), and Gambusia affine (Gambusia), we also provide Poecilid reticulata and Gambusia affine. It is known that mosquitoes are one of the most deadly creatures on earth. They are responsible for the death of many people every year. Various diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes, including Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Encephalitis, etc.

Damages by Mosquitoes

  • Mosquitoes are one of the most deadly creatures on this earth and are the cause of death in many human beings. Mosquitoes cause a variety of diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Encephalitis etc.
  • Only female mosquitoes bite humans or animals. This is not due to any form of enmity, rather they need blood to lay eggs and blood provides them protein. Male mosquitoes drink blood without any need to nourish eggs, rather they drink it like other bugs drink the nectar of flowers.
  • Some mosquitoes prefer animal and bird blood to human blood.
  • Mosquitoes fly at the speed of 1.5 miles per hour. This may or may not be a good speed but they can leave their brothers like butterflies locusts and honeybees behind with ease and they are the ones that are considered lazy.
  • A mosquito flaps its wings 300-600 times per second and this is why we hear the buzzing of mosquitoes so loudly.
  • When a male and female mate then they synchronize the vibration of their wings. This is known as their love duet.
  • Females need water for eggs and if they do not have much body water then they can make do with water from puddles or rainwater that has been collected in abandoned objects such as old tyres that have been thrown away.
  • If adult mosquitoes can escape our clapping slapping attempts at killing them then they can live for up to 6 months
  • Mosquitoes can detect the presence of carbon dioxide from 75miles away and they know that if there is carbon dioxide the human or animal that is producing it will also be nearby and instantly the female is ready for her blood meal.
  • Mosquitoes weigh at 2.5 milligrams or 0.0025 grams
  • One mosquito has 47 teeth.
  • Female mosquitoes utilize 2 tubes while biting – One is an enzyme tube that prevents the blood from clotting and the other drains the blood from the victim.
  • Itching caused by a mosquito bite is actually due to the saliva it leaves behind which acts as an anti-coagulate and is the cause of an allergic reaction in humans due to which itching occurs in humans.
  • Beer drinking makes humans more attractive to mosquitoes.
  • There are 250 million cases of malaria every year out of which one million ends in casualties and the majority of these victims are children. Many of these deaths are caused by the use of fake or non-genuine medication.
  • Mosquitoes complete their life cycle- from egg to adult within 2 weeks but some even complete it within 4 days.
  • Within 2 days of adulthood, mosquitoes start drinking blood.
  • Most males die within 2 weeks but females can endure for a month, maybe more and cause much damage in this period.
  • Females can lay 300 eggs at a time.
  • All mosquitoes do not come out only at night, the Asian tiger mosquito begins its day at 10 in the morning.
  • Diseases caused by mosquitoes are not affected by antibiotics because these are viruses and cannot be cured with antibiotics.
  • Mosquitoes spend their entire lives around water, they are fully dependent on water in their eggs, larval and pupal stages. Females also search for a suitable water body where they can lay their eggs.
  • If the temperature goes below 50°F Mosquitoes do not bite.
  • Mosquitoes have very bad vision and use the presence of carbon dioxide to hunt their prey.

Although they like being around humans they can travel up to 20 miles for a blood meal.

Preventive Environment-Friendly Steps for effective Mosquito Control

  1. Be careful at sunset as this is when there is the most risk of mosquitoes coming out to bite people. Therefore, the best time to do mosquito control by fogging is sunset to repel those adult mosquitoes.
  2. When you enjoy your food, be careful while you are at a table eating, because mosquitoes like to roam under tables and chairs in search of their prey.
  3. When trekking in the forests, be sure to wear beige or khaki colours. Researchers have determined that bright coloured clothes are more attractive to mosquitoes and hence they are drawn towards them.
  4. If there are holes in the mesh of your window be sure to get them repaired as early as possible and do not let it stay open as this will invite mosquitoes.
  5. Mosquitoes are attracted to body odour caused by sweat and therefore we should be more aware and careful of our hygiene and cleanliness
  6. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of flowers as well, so be careful of your scent when in outdoor areas where mosquitoes are plentiful.
  7. The better you cover your body the better you will be protected from mosquitoes.
  8. Lizards eat all the mosquitoes in the area so if you are lucky enough that one enters your home, allow it to stay.
  9. When you enter a new house or hotel make sure the bathroom is clean and the bathroom door is closed because there is a great possibility of mosquitoes breeding in the water.

 Sunset and sunrise

  • It is during sunset and sunrise that mosquitoes are on the prowl for blood – This is the most important time for adult mosquito control.
  • Dress
  • Try and cover the whole body as much as possible and as according to the temperature and weather to protect yourself.
  • Drainage

Please thoroughly check your home for spaces where there is a collection of water that could help mosquitoes breed. Mosquitoes breeding like this will not only cause you damage but also bother your neighbourhood. This is why you should make it a rule to get rid of all the unnecessary water, boxes and other things that are unneeded in the house.

  • Tips for removing mosquito breeding sites for effective mosquito control:
  • Balconies, pits and drains should be clear and drained of all water.
  • Abandoned tires in playgrounds should be destroyed or at least punctured so that water cannot collect in them.
  • Plastic containers and bowls should be kept upside down.
  • Tossed bottles of cold drinks, coffee etc. Should be destroyed.
  • Tarpaulins and other machines tend to collect water and hence should be regularly drained.
  • Water should be drained out for effective mosquito control.
  • Change the water in the bowls for birds and the bowls for animals every week.
  • Drains around shrubs that impede the flow of water should be removed.

    Tips to escape mosquito bites:
  • Apply repellant on exposed skin.
  • Wear light coloured clothes during the day because bright clothes attract mosquitoes.
  • During the day, try and stay clear of shade. Mosquitoes do not bite while in sunlight.
  • Stay away from areas that are near water or are waterlogged and could be possible mosquito breeding sites.
  • Keep your hands and feet covered or wear long-sleeved shirts and pants during sunrise and sunset when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Use safe mosquito repellants.

When it is heavy mosquito season and repellants are ineffective two of them can be used simultaneously but carefully when applied on children and one should be mindful of their allergies and those of the elderly.

Unique offer from PESTGOGO.COM for Mosquito Control

  • We will do a thorough inspection and then give you the recommendations.
  • We provide fogging service to repel adult mosquitoes- an effective way of mosquito control.
  • We provide residual sprays to prevent mosquitoes from sitting/resting on walls, shrubs, dark places. This gives lots of relief in mosquito control.
  • We also provide anti-larval treatment for mosquito control.
  • We also provide larvivorous fish - the natural way of mosquito control.